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"(Ambulance) confidently melds post-punk with modern influences —think The Strokes or Interpol—in a way that amounts to far more than pastiche. Live, these churning, driving songs should translate into nothing less than a raucous rock show." -Seattle Weekly
"Bearing influences ranging from 1970s Factory Records, post-punk, and more modern indie groups like the Strokes and Interpol, Seattle trio Ambulance craft a darkly atmospheric sound that encapsulates a city at night. Sam Peterson's nonchalant baritone and spiraling guitars suggest the streaks of headlights, the rhythmic bass lines like the subway humming beneath your feet, and pounding drums become the somber heartbeat of downtown." -Sound Off! Panel
"Seattle trio Ambulance is a hairpin turn away from disaster, a misjudged lane from collision, a nitrous sprint towards redemption. They are a late-night caffeine break, a divisive conversation on the ideals of post-punk, indie garage, and the churning drive of 70s era Factory Records, and an aimless drive through empty streets and warehouse districts until their vision goes." -Seattlest