Event Info
PEDAW Mural Contest:
PEDAW Mural Contest, BC Province-Wide
until June 30, 2014
Unique contest inv...
Opening: Thursday 1st January 1970
Event Description
PEDAW Mural Contest, BC Province-Wide
until June 30, 2014
Unique contest invites BC amateur artists to paint or draw 2 dimensional artwork that explores the question: What does ‘love our bodies, love ourselves’ mean to you? Presented by the Provincial Eating Disorders Awareness (PEDAW) campaign with the Vancouver Graffiti Management Team.
Winning entry will have art painted on a container mural in Vancouver by a professional lead artist, an invitation to paint with the lead artist, artwork displayed at the 2014 Eating Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference in Vancouver, and free admission to EDAC Pre‐conference, October 5th. Prizes for 2nd & 3rd place: artwork displayed at the 2014 Eating Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference in Vancouver, and free admission to EDAC Pre‐conference, October 5th.
Images must be submitted via email to pedaw@familyservices.bc.ca by June 30, 2014. Maximum of 3 images per person.
For full contest rules and information, visit http://bit.ly/pedawmuralcontest.
About PEDAW: The Provincial Eating Disorders Awareness (PEDAW) campaign is a BC Province wide effort to raise awareness around prevention and early intervention of eating disorders as well as media literacy, resiliency, building healthy body image and self-esteem. The initiative is led by Jessie’s Legacy Eating Disorders Prevention Program at Family Services of the North Shore in collaboration with Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre, Looking Glass Foundation, St. Paul ’s Specialized Adult Eating Disorder Program, BC Children’s Hospital Eating Disorders Program, Healthy Minds, Healthy Campuses and Project True. PEDAW is launched the first full week in February with activities and events taking place throughout the year.